I took the day off from work today and headed west into the “City of Brotherly Love” for the Philadelphia International Flower Show. It may have been cold and painfully windy, but the thought of seeing actual colors other than gray and brown was too damn enticing.
This year’s theme is “Springtime in Paris” and honestly, you could have told me the theme was “Cow dung time in Hell” and I still would have happily attended knowing there would be actual flowers this time of year. But I digress.
Upon entering the main room, attendees were greeted with quite the first impression:
And the Paris theme was immediately evident throughout the entire room:
But you know what? I was immediately taken by the smells more than anything else and these smells led me away like in the old cartoons when the dog would float in the air following the smell of a steak. I completely forgot about the theme of the event and was mesmerized by the PLANTS and only the PLANTS.
I’ve talked enough already, I leave you with some of the photos taken today and will have even more in the days to come. Enjoy.
! my! The french geranium with the large green zinnias are fabulous. Again, oh my!
The one leafy bi-colored plant with the swirl! Wow!
I’d love to go to that!
Oh wow, that show looks amazing. I bet all those hyacinths together smelled amazing!!
I envy your ‘road trip’!! Chicago had it’s annual Garden Show this past weekend and I was a big old wuss and didn’t make the pilgrimage downtown! Thanks for sharing the photos! …want Spring!!..
All of these plants are gorgeous…my green envy zinnias are about to open here. The 7th photo, semp or euphorbia? I love that!
I love your photos, it’s like you were in a “real” garden, not at a show! Also, love the theme, Paris and the blue Delphinium! Thanks for sharing!
That show is always amazing! Nice pics!!
I went to the Chicago show and I guess houseplants and succulents are part of the coming trend for our outside gardens.
I grew that green zinnia (Envy) one year, very striking.
I’m going on Friday! Thanks for the preview. I’m so excited to go for the very first time now that I’m retired.
Wow, very beautiful flowers and photos! That is a wonderful flower show. Your photos makes me pleasant. I can not wait our spring in Japan!
Thanks for letting me tag along on your garden tour. It was so worth ‘playing hooky’ from work.
love, Love, LOVED it all!
Great photos! Nice blog.
I agree, at garden shows it’s all about the smell of flowers in the air, and the plants. I miss that.
Love that foliage ONG! Great photos! Thanks for taking us along with you!
Thanks for the eye candy! Just what I need while my own garden is still waking up…
Absolutely fabulous plants and flowers…I still wish computers had an olfactory function…seeing is wonderful…smelling is a whole other level of enjoyment!