I have an idea.
I think it is fun and different. You, however, may think it’s horrific.
I don’t know if it will stick, but that’s never stopped me before.
You may know Wordless Wednesday or Wildflower Wednesday or even Fertilizer Friday. Well I would like to add another “day” to your list and it will keep with the alliteration theme. Without further ado, I give you …
Now before you tune me out and run for the hills, let me explain. Last year, I had one of those days out in the garden where everything looked awful and I felt like a total failure. I immediately jumped on to my blog and voiced my displeasure and questioned my abilities. This was where the original Friggin Furious Friday was born. While it was a very negative post, I felt so much better after writing it. I got it off my chest and I received great feedback from others as to what I could do differently or simple reminders to remain patient.
So, I thought FFF would be a chance for gardeners to voice a frustration, be it large or small, and readers could come to the rescue voicing their support. It may seem like a negative way to enter the weekend, but I like to look at it as a chance to remove the negative and move on. Plus, no other days of the week start with an “F” and I love the word “friggin”. We use it often here in NJ and I’m even OK with my kids saying it.
To kick thing’s off I’ll post my first FFF rant:
This is what many areas of my yard look like in spring or after a big rain. I have really poor drainage and it limits a lot of what I’m able to plant. I still can’t believe when perennials or deciduous shrubs survive the winter. I have done my best to improve the soil quality (compost) and to level low lying areas where needed, but it is still a nightmare for me. I no longer fight my conditions and just focus on those plants that can survive wet feet and poor drainage. Still, I would kill for a nice loamy soil.
Ah, now I feel better getting that out. Why not give it a shot yourself? It’s like garden therapy.
If you are willing to give it a shot, all I ask is that you provide a link back to my blog after you’ve written your rant. Let’s see where it goes.
Deer are my nemesis. The county I live in has one of the highest, if not the highest, deer populations in the state (Wisconsin). They eat *everything.* Even stuff they’re ‘not supposed’ to eat. I have arrowwood viburnum shrubs that I planted seven years ago that are still only thigh high because the deer keep eating any and all new growth. I’ve tried caging them, but the cages have to be moved when I mow (major pain), and if I forget to put them back for just one night — *Bzzzt!* I’ve tried putting a woodland garden under my maples. It was just a deer buffet. The hoofed rats even ate my daffodils one year, and forget about trying to grow any tulips or lilies. Deer fodder! Mt soil is sandy. Maybe I should try cacti next… >:-E
Hey, I like this idea! I’ll be pondering this for a future post. Have you thought about building raised beds to alleviate your drainage problem? My mother’s property is like this and I know it can be a headache.
I don’t know, I’m just so mild natured and of course everything always looks so perfect…
Ok,I’m in…if I look in my archives I could probably do a weekly for 3 months- easy
OK…I like it! I mean, a good rant is actually a great start to a fantastic weekend…no more worries after you’ve let it all out. I’ll think on this one and I’m certain the volcano will blow without much thought.
ONG – you are a total nut job, and incredibly entertaining!
“Friggin'” is definitely a ‘power’ kinda word — without getting in trouble at work or with kids. Then there is the ever popular “Freakin'”! Either way – I like your concept. Unfortunately, I’m a bit ‘garden euphoric’ right now, surfing an adrenaline high from garden planning. I’ll get back to you on the ‘rant’!
FFF, oooh, I might have a few rants for this meme!
Will give it a rant one of these days when Im having FFF day, though cant be combining with Tootsie’s and Katarina’s whats blooming on Friday! Have to give my rant exclusively for your FFF day! By the way, about your problem, I agree with Phillip to have raised beds on your garden, like mine too.
I’m a brand spanking new visitor to your blog, so that should put a different slant on this Friday for you? We’ll just pretend that YOU didn’t find me first, OK?
What a great idea. I have just had an efffing friday with some crazy phonejacker asking me for 300 of a plant which I have not got a friggin hope in growing in ten years.
So is the idea that we rant on our blog and tie it back to you. Will you have one of those linky jobs?
What would I rant about? hmm Deer? That’s a possibility. Snow keeping me out of the garden though its only Feb. still? I’ll have to check back once gardening is in full swing on a Friday and see if I’ve got a rant.
Anonymous (if that’s even your real name) – don’t you feel better now? Deer are a nemesis for me as well.
Phillip – look forward to it if you do an FFF. I do have one raised bed I use to grow herbs but I do think I need to add some more. Thanks for the feedback!
Gardening Jones – I’m counting on you to participate, let it all hang out.
Kim – Yes, let it all go and thanks for giving it a shot.
Shyrlene – Yes please don’t ruin the good mojo. Just remember if you’re having one of those days to let ‘er rip, even if not a Friday.
Meems – you are in my neck of the woods so I expect a weather rant soon.
p3 – never let FFF replace any of those. Much better for the soul to keep it positive.
Desiree – welcome and thanks for entertaining my strange idea. Look forward to following you as well!
Ian – Now don’t you feel better? LOL.
Marcia – I would say post it on your blog and then just throw a mention back my way. Thanks for giving it a shot.
Every time you post a picture of your flooded property, my heart sinks. I know you were expecting a rant or a link but I need to feel helpful in solving the drainage problem because I understand how frustrating gardening can be when such obstacles get in the way.
Is the foundation of your house much higher than the land it sits on? Can you regrade the back yard so that the lawn and beds are highest at the foundation and lowest at the far property lines?
Perhaps a slope will encourage pooling water to flow away from the garden beds. I have heard that some home owners planted willow trees to drink up water but unfortunately their roots eventually damaged the house plumbing. My neighbor developed a similar problem and was forced to remove a willow tree from his yard. Instead, he sloped the lawn away from the foundation, excavated very deeply at the property lines and filled the troughs with gravel and french drains. A construction company quoted $20,000 for that work but the gardening contractor did it for $5000. Now water drains away from the house and the back lawn is dry.
Wow – I haven’t seen that much water in one place in…years. Maybe it would be a good place for a koi pond? (The “If life hands you water, put fish in it” school of thought.)
FFF – what a great idea. DON’T get me started on the neighbor cat that just dug up half a dozen almost-blooming crocus bulbs by using their spot as a litter box…
It’s friggin Kindwood Towhship, land of soggy feet, for god’s sake. You’ll never, ever have that “moist, well draining soil” so many gardening books tell you you need. I go with the flow and only grow plants that love heavy, wet, clay–and that leaves room for a lot. (Of course, I have a deer fence, which expands the possibilities greatly.)
Allan – thank you for the concern, helps justify my Friggin Friday rant. I actually have no issues near the house which is good. Gives me more flexibility plant wise. My issues are further out on my property but that is where I am looking to plant next. Need some vistas and interest away from the house. When I do attack these new beds, I will lean on bog plants and hopefully regrade where needed. It’s a chore but it has taught me a lot so really can’t complain.
Stacy – thanks for embracing FFF, we’ll see where it goes. Koi pond is an interesting thought, hmmmm.
James – the damn “water table”! I have finally limited my plant selection to what you mentioned but also need deer resistant. It’s difficult but what the hell, can only get easier when I garden somewhere else in the future, right?