I am super psyched to announce a new $100 giveaway to Santa Rosa Gardens.
I have ordered from this on-line nursery numerous times in the past and I can tell you that every plant purchased was way high quality. Typically, I order ornamental grasses from them because the selection is tremendous and I can find many unique options that I cannot find locally. And just to prove that I have ordered from them before, here is a shot of a delivery I received this past Fall:
While I love me some ornamental grasses, Santa Rosa Gardens offers so much more than that. As their tag line states, they specialize in “perennials and unique garden plants”. They also have a fantastic selection of succulents and aquatics. It is super easy to navigate their site and narrow down your search. It will keep you busy for a while, trust me.
Are you pumped up? You feeling my excitement? To enter all you need to do is head on over to their website by clicking one of the links above or click here and leave a comment on this post, indicating which one plant you would order from them. I will be running the contest from now until 5:00 PM EST next Friday, March 4th. At that point, I will choose the winner using an online random generator. I’ll announce the winner on this blog and will just ask for the winner’s email address so the gift certificate can be mailed to you.
There are shipping limitations as Santa Rosa can only ship in the contiguous United States and cannot ship plants to Arizona and Hawaii, but could ship hard good to these states.
Good luck and thanks ahead of time for entering.
Thanks I will check them out.
I would choose the Panicum virgatum Cloud Nine. Hard decision though, they have a lot of nice choices.
They do have some wonderful plants there, I’ve ordered quite a lot from them in the past too. I really like the Anemone multifida Anabella Deep Pink.
Oooh, I like the hydrangeas they have! Especially the blue ones. What a great contest!
This is a new place to me…I will have to check them out. Thanks
Oh, wow, where would I start??
I think with the Heuchera collection.
I’d love to have that Toad Birdhouse.
Just one plant? I went to their list of deer resistant plants and couldn’t decide between the astillbes and liatris. Please enter me in your contest!
I’d love to win some Hydrangeas for my garden please enter me in this wonderful contest Annie
I’m on my way over to check them out. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Bonnie
Thanks for visiting me!
I am now a big fan of Morning Light, thanks to your post, and would love to win me some Miscanthus!
I love the Buddleia davidii Royal Red. I am trying to attact more butterfies to my garden and this would do it!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I came here via Tom of Seventh Street Cottage. I’ve started going through Santa Rosa’s Garden website to see what might grow down here in our zone 10, hot and humid garden and there are some real nice plants.
Who knows, maybe I’ll be the fortunate winner.
I look forward to checking out more of your blog.
My next order from Santa Rosa’s Garden website would be Muhlenbergia capillaris, Muhly Grass. I’m beginning work on a rock garden this spring, and think this would be a great addition. Thanks so much for the opportunity,
I started my butterfly garden last year and would love to add some Agastache either in Tutti Frutti or Puprle haze.
I’d love to get some of their begonias, either the Iron Cross or the Lime Swirl. Thanks!
i’ve ordered from them multiple times as well. always a great experience! this time i’d have to get some ‘cloud nine’ panicum virgatum
The Sempervivum 50 Tray would be a dream come true! I love succulents!
beastbunny at hotmail dot com
Chasmanthium latifolium ‘River Mist,” a very pretty native.
thanks for holding this contest. My choice would be Lewisia longipetala ‘Little Peach’. I’ve seen Lewisias for sale in local nurseries but they are always quite spendy!
You weren’t kidding about the grasses, they have some gorgeous varieties I have never seen before!! If I were ordering for me, I would probably go with some of their columbine as I have almost full shade over 90% of my lot, Aquilegia caerulea Swan Red-Gold is stunning.
My husband and I just moved into our first house, and I can’t wait to add some green inside and out! From Santa Rosa, I would start with Sempervivum Black. Thanks! ashley.w.burns (at) gmail.com
OMG! What an awsome giveaway
Id love to get the Gaura lindheimeri Crimson Butterflies, So pretty! And a lot of others.
Great site!
What an awesome giveaway! I would definitely get some Hydrangeas (either Annabelle or Nikko Blue). So pretty!
etwilkins at gmail dot com
Me too! Hydrangeas are one of my favorites!
I’d like to get the daylillies, but I might have to pick something else as they are all sold out… though it looks like I could pre-order some…
konecki (at) gmail
Oh my goodness, this is my dream giveaway! The Musa acuminata Dwarf Cavendish and the Begonia Rex Escargot caught my eye.
lesliedoll at hotmail dot com
I’d love some deer-resistant perennials. I’m planting in the community garden for the first time ever!
I love the Astilbe collection – thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
ang_vaughan at yahoo dot com
Wow so many to pick from but I like the Baptisia australis
I love the Aquilegia caerulea Origami Mix! Thanks for the chance!!
Some of the succulents, but I’m not sure which–love them! emilylloyd@gmail.com
I would like to have a siam ruby banana plant. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d get the athyrium ferns
I would pick Cortaderia selloana Pumila
Gchord88 at aol dot com
I would love to have Fargesia dracocephala Rufa
it would be fun to grow bamboo.
i’d get the adorable little Tradescantia Concord Grape! such a pretty color!
i think i would choose Amaryllis Apple Blossom
I like the ‘Achillea millefolium Red Velvet.’ Very Nice.
I would get the Ajuga reptans Catlins Giant because its a shade plant and that is mostly what I have at my house.
notperfect.forgiven (at) Hotmail (dot) com
I would love a ‘blackberry lily’. Hope I win!
Lime Swirl begonias. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.
misteedawnw at aol dot com
I’d love to get the River Nile begonias!
marija.majerle at gmail dot com
I have the perfect spot for a few Snow Queen hydrangeas!
Thanks, dmarie824 at aol dot com
I’d get the hardy ornamental grass collection since I can’t decide on just one.
merv at countshollow dot com
I love hydrangea and they do great in my garden, so I’d order the Hydrangea macrophylla Nikko Blue.
I would get the Santa Rosa Bargain Box!! Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway =)
I’d love to get some concord grapes. Great stuff!
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
I’d go simple, with Rudbeckia fulgida, thereby guaranteeing a beautiful garden this summer!!
thanks so much for this chance!
I like the Begonia Bonita Shea!
lifewithjding (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the review and giveaway chance. Very cool!
I’d pick some of their Crimson Butterflies, beautiful!
nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
Sedum spectabile Neon, Sempervivum Green Wheel, and maybe some hydrangeas jmmccarr@gmail.com
i adore the Achillea millefolium Appleblossom !