I am completely consumed with the show “Hoarders” and the complexity behind the “disease”. There is some serious psychology behind people who hoard and I find it utterly fascinating. While watching the show, I start out disgusted with these affected individuals, then become furious that they have affected their families along the way. The emotion then turns to one of sympathy as each layer is pulled back on their psyches.
OK, where am I going with this? Right where you think I’m going, just not in such a serious manner. This box arrived yesterday and it kicked off a thought in my head immediately.
Another plant delivery had arrived and I ain’t got the slightest idea where any of these plants will be going. Not to mention, we are nearing the end of October and it may not be such a good idea to try and get these in the ground now. But who cares about all that, I got me a whole bunch of grasses at $2.99 a pop. How do you turn that down?
And then it hit, am I a “plant hoarder”? Is it the thrill of the purchase and hitting “submit” on the web site that gets me off? Is it fulfilling a need now that the gardening season is drawing to a close? Should I contact TLC or HGTV and pitch a new reality show?
I then decided to explore my potential disease a bit further.
Do I purchase plants and then forget about them? Um, yes, like these in my garage from the past spring
Do I use my raised bed as a holding ground for plants I can’t find a place for rather than as a chance to grow plants not suited for my soil. Um, yes again
Do I place random plants in containers and then hide them from public view. Um, a big fat yes.
Do I purchase plants cheap knowing they do not fit any of the cultural conditions required, stick them in a pot and try to sell them as a part of a Halloween vignette? Uh oh
Guilty as charged on all accounts.
But, I quickly justified it all after deeper analysis:
- While some plants may never see the light of day, those that do provide an educational experience. Buying them cheap and and therefore small allows me the chance to watch the growing process and these plants usually out do their fully grown/forced nursery counter parts.
- Last time I checked, having extra plants in the garage or mixed throughout the yard never hurt anybody or created deep psychological wounds.
- Hoarding small, cheap plants allows me the opportunity to experiment with plants I can’t find in the local nursery and with a minimal investment.
- Most of the plants I hoard are from native plant sales and they tend to recover well if they are neglected for a while. And you can’t go wrong going native.
- Hoarding plants takes up a lot of time and keeps me off the dangerous streets and out of trouble.
So with that, my name is John Markowski, and I am a plant hoarder … and frickin proud of it.
If it can be composted, you’re off the hook.
What is inconsistent with being and neurotic/obsessive gardener and then hoarding and denying your compulsion. We’re all with you on the 12 step program. Phone a friend. Don’t walk away from the plants.
I love that show. It is helping me and my husband throw a bunch of stuff away.
I never considered plant hoarding a disease.
“Hello, John.”
“My name is Karen, and I am a plant hoarder, too.”
(12 Step Programs do work, I ought to know…been a member of one for years now, lol.)
Loved your post–and I bet there’s not a gardener here who hasn’t done the same things you have!
Oh my gosh you make me giggle. My hubs is the hoarder… I am the ocd freak. Together, we have just enough neatly put away.
I’m with poster number one, you can’t hoard what can be composted. You get the GA pass (gardners anonymous)!!
I love watching Hoarders. It’s about the only time I actually feel inspired to clean.
I feel your pain…and I have lots of seeds if you need any. Lots, really…lots.
Ahh, good justification John! Plant fanaticism is where it’s at! Thanks for the totally enjoyable, laughable, and yet, hmmmm, familiar thoughts.
Yep, me, too. And I work in a garden center! I feel compelled to “save” as many of the orphaned plants as possible. The problem is they grow up, have babies of their own and then I’m forced to “foster” out the offspring. But dirty hands are good for the soul…
I’m just speechless, sort of! I think The Herbal Husband would be considered one! A plant hoarder, that is! I agree that there are probably worse things that could be going on! I’ll say it again you have a lot of gardening friends who are like you! ;>}
Yes I get it. I can’t throw plants out so my garden is a mish mash of rescued babies. Help.
Hello my plant friends I do have a huge problem I am addicted to raising house plants mainly mother tongue (snake plants), mother of a thousand plants, Pothos (ivy’s) and some mass canes a ficus tree and 5 unknown plant trees there are over 100 of these plants thru out my studio apartment 1 small room 1 small bath 1 small kitchen. I am running out of room so I try my hands in outside flowers forget me knots, dusty millers, large elephant ears plants and the dwarfs elephant ears. Not to mention I am the cat lady 14 cats and 5 all black cats that is not related I finds and keeps them very good luck kitties. They all are fixed. Obess with plants I love it.