I knew it was inevitable but had managed to fend it off for the past eight months.
The dreaded blogger’s block (is that a term?) has hit and there is nothing I can do about it. I tried like mad to push it away but eventually had to cave in.
I started a post with more fall color photos but it felt forced and not all that interesting.
I started to compile a “best of” series but figured I better save that for the end of the year reminiscing.
I started to write about my fears of what to write about in the winter but it’s not time to worry … yet.
I even tried a completely off topic post about world events that have occurred over the past week or so but luckily realized it was crap before I published it.
I’m even writing short paragraphs now so that it looks like this post is more important than it really is.
Truthfully, as a new garden blogger I do wonder how long I can keep things fresh and unique. I feel like I have developed a style that fits who I am, but hope I can continue to write in an interesting, original, amusing and even sometimes educational way. We’ll see … the fun is in the journey.
Trying to keeps it real
That’s why I decided to morph my blog into something more than gardening, because I could forsee that happening with me. I really should have two blogs, but I know I won’t be able to keep up with two. I think I’ve lost some readers over that, but I’m good with it. I just feel like I have a lot of things to say, and they’re just as important as gardening lol.
You’ll be fine, and the gardening topics WILL pop up often. I think you just need to not worry as much about forcing the posts out. It’s not written in stone that you have to write every couple of days.
Also, if you want to write about something other than gardening for a post or two, *Stuart Smalley voice* that’s ok. It’s YOUR blog
That’s the beauty of it! A post will fight its way out of you when it wants to 
This post was interesting and expressive of your style! Though it didn’t have a lot to say, it said a lot. If that makes sense. I too have felt the doldrums and the “what am I going to blog about in the winter” ponderings. But, it will come. Like Kyna said, a post will find its way out when it’s time. Should and when, for I know it will, it happens to me I shall just have to be content browsing others blogs! Thank goodness for bloggers in Hawaii and Australia!
You are the best, I only set trends…in any context…
Good for you for TELLING us about it! I am struggling also, and I am not even trying to be entertaining! Its a fight between entertaining readers and documenting what you feel(like)!
I’m stalling on writing a negative home improvement post because its negative, but its also true!
I think every garden blogger has writer’s block on occasion. Luckily at my blog the bar is set so low already that no topic is too dumb. I actually wrote about clowns in the garden one time I had “nothing.”
Having a few drafts in various stages helps, too.
Christine in Alaska
don’t worry about your struggles… we all get them honestly. Just keep blogging now and then and let it flow naturally…
doing a garden can be a fight but now and then something just happens that screams YOU NEED TO WRITE THIS DOWN .. and share your REAL feelings and ideas with others.
I bet someone somewhere has mad a sort of dictaphone that you can just talk into as you plod through the garden and it goes straight onto your blog LOL
Maybe strap a camera to your head and video the whole lot so it picks up your talking to yourself or to the birds bees and flowers and weeds etc??? Just a thought
Have fun…
I personally do my blog on whatever is going in my day. I don’t want to craft everyday or sew. I don’t want to burden others with Auto-Immunde disorders or rant about ranting. Talking about sobriety can be great for some but others like a beer on Sunday and who’s to say them NO. I blog whatever comes to my mind for better or worse. Some comment on some things and not others. It’s a crap shoot. I don’t mind. You’ll do just fine. Hugs. Tammy
To xoxoxo:- a negative blog can be interesting, if the blogger writes it well.
To ONG:- Kyra is correct to suggest writing about something other than gardening. The persona that you have created, with a very unique style of expression, should be able to effectively communicate anything to his readers.
That you have found your posting on autumn colors to be inadequate is simply a reflection of your high standards and that will encourage you to greater things.
At Blotanical, there is a very popular garden blogger who posts only once a week and has yet to write a blog remotely related to gardening. This writer spins beautiful essays about anything and nothing and makes them interesting with only a style of writing reminiscent of Jane Austen to attract loyal followers. People read that blog because it is well crafted and because it is engaging yet there are few, if any, garden related topics in the postings.
Here’s an idea:-I respectfully suggest that you scroll back to the first blog you ever posted, in which you revealed that your friends were shocked that someone like yourself was going to write a garden blog, [or something like that]. I can’t remember your exact phrasing but it created literary mystery. I am certain that now that so many readers have gotten to know you, that they might want that mystery solved. Perhaps you will reveal what it is about you that shocked your friends. Or are we getting too, too personal here?
How funny you say this John, as I’ve started thinking about what to write about in winter and have a few ideas but the constant churning out of posts will definitely slow down as does everything else in nature.. So, I think it’s just fine.. you’re fueling the fire within you to write next spring! I like to think of it as going dormant … like plants! LOL!
Don’t worry about it; it’s like chatting down the pub. Some coversations are a bit Meh, some are pure gold. If you don’t have the Meh ones, you never find the gold!
Argh! I think we all go through this, I know I’m going to run dry during the winter…really, what will any of us talk about! I go through fits where I have so much planned and so many other things come up…then I’ll struggle to find something, anything worthwhile to talk about…hang in there
You are more than a very good gardener who loves gardening. Write now and again about some other loves , it will show your readers who you are more , take care, Gina
I think this post is very entertaining; it doesn’t have to always be about gardening. We all have other things we do besides dig in the dirt. I look forward to hearing about the other stuff, too, you have a wonderful, conversational writing style.
I like when you blog about your kids and family life, but then I don’t grow flowers, so this is more interesting to me.
You’ve got the talent, it will find its way.
Deep down, I think you know that.
Use the force
You blogging buddy, GJ
Don’t worry ONG. I repeat myself ALL the time and sometimes I use the exact same photo for two different posts and try to pass it off as a different photo! Blog whenever you feel like it. It doesn’t have to be every day and it can be on any subject you want it to be! That is the beauty of blogging and that’s what makes it fun for me. I have made it to the two year mark and still repeating subjects because you are always getting new readers and they don’t always go back to the beginning. So I’ve rambled on enough. Just be your great obsessive neurotic self! Nancy