Late last night, as I was taking the dog for a walk in the deep fog, this phallic creature below greeted me at the bottom of my front stairs.
My first thought was that I was about to be attacked by a snake so I took the proper precautions and shoved the dog in front of me so she could take the brunt of the attack. But there was no movement so I was able to calm down a bit.
I then got closer to the creature and the smell became overwhelming. It was like feces flavored …. feces. No lie, it was awful and that is coming from someone with a deviated septum.
I eventually figured out it was some type of mushroom (hence the post title) and waited until early this morning to take a photo. And with the wonders of Google, quickly learned what I had on my hands (and nose). It is a Stinkhorn mushroom, specifically a “dog Stinkhorn”. Now the best part, I found this information on a website dedicated to phallic mushrooms in New Jersey and the name of the website is (insert childlike chuckle here) You can’t make this stuff up!
Some other factoids:
- Falls under the family Phallaceae (also known as Stinkhorn)
- Notorious for popping up very quickly, usually in urban areas
- Found all over the world but most common in tropical areas
- If in non tropical areas, believed to be due to transportation of soil, wood chips,etc.
- Known for their spore masses smelling like, you guessed it, “dung”
- Not harmful to people or animals
May smell like death, but what a cool discovery. I am now more educated on mushrooms and fear not if you see one of these emerge in your yard overnight.
Seriously?? — you got close enough to SMELL it? Eew.
Ha, so funny. I have got some very odd looking toadstools and mushrooms in the garden at the moment.
Fungi is such fun……
What you’re saying is….you have stinky orange penis fungus.
You need a doctor. Stat. O_O
That thing is hilarious. Oh, and I’m calling the SPCA on you
This post is most hilarious!
I think I prefer looking rather than smelling, so score one for the Internet remote viewing experience! Did give me a good titter though…
i never seen in orange , holland we only have the white one ,and it looks more like the real thing