Holy shit … it’s here.
What the hell am I doing?
How did I ever get myself involved in this world?
I don’t belong in this crowd … I write this nice little garden blog … and only started it in February of this year … who do I think I am?
I am supposed to be corporate guy, right? One of many in the herd.
I have had no formal training, who the f am I kidding?
These are the thoughts dancing in my head this morning as I am only two days away from attending the Garden Writers Association Symposium in Dallas, Texas. Admittedly, I am having some serious doubts about myself as this major event approaches.
But I will tell you this my friends; the fear, the doubts, they can go to hell. Because I have something that easily trumps those feelings, something that continues to grow each day, something that I am following blindly and will follow no mater where it goes. That little something is called PASSION. It grabbed me by the nether region and hasn’t let go since.
I am ready to transform myself into a sponge and soak in every last bit of information I can from each and everyone I come across over the next few days. These are some mad talented individuals and to be able to interact with them all is an opportunity beyond my wildest expectations. My excitement level is through the roof and I plan on coming back home armed with a sick arsenal of garden writing weapons.
I will be updating the blog each night throughout my time in Dallas and I’m sure it will be a bit rambling and manic, but I promise you, it will be a completely honest assessment of each of my days.
Bring it on mutha f’ers!
Good for you bud. Go For It, Have Fun and keep on writing the stories that keep us coming back to ONG! D Trump – “Without passion, you don’t have energy; without energy, you have nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.”
Enjoy the show and learn the ropes so I can go next year. Like you, I have only been blogging a short time but writing for over ten years for TV.You are going to have so much fun. Can’t wait to hear every detail.
I’m jealous… I hope you share your info…
Loved this post. This will be my first major GWA event too and I’m having some of the same trepidations. But what the hell. How often do you get a chance to spend four days talking about gardening AND brave a flash flood? Looking forward to meeting you there!
I needed this encouragement also! I’ve been writing a monthly column for 3 years and this past summer, the head of our local gardening group phoned me with the request to speak at their October meeting, based on an heirloom gardening post that I wrote. I’m not a professional gardener. I just said to my husband this morning that I’d better get busy on my talk, and I’m not a public speaker. But I will speak from my heart, like I do in my writing and hope that prevails.
Good luck to you and looking forward to reading about your adventure.
Have no worries. I went for the first time last year and the best thing of all is meeting the people–fellow garden fanatics who also love writing–some of whom I already knew from being online. You will have a fantastic time among all the like minded folks who will be there!
Have fun, John! I have a feeling you’ll liven things up a little
Good for you John! enjoy yourself! I like the way you passionately approached fear and doubt, kicking them right in the back side!
I like that!
Good luck to you! You have a knack for this, believe it or not Mr. Corporate Guy! I look forward in eager anticipation for your posts during the symposium!
Bloomin Garden – thanks for the support, will take copious notes and share.
Leslie – will be sure to share a ton.
Claire – look forward to meeting you there as well … if we survive the flooding.
Linda – thanks for sharing your story, I am right there with you … and best of luck!
Sarah – thank you for the encouragement, I couldn’t be more pumped up.
Colleen – I don’t know if I can liven it up any more, but I will enjoy myself.
Vetsy – I don’t think enjoyment will be a problem … thanks!
Shirley – thank you for the kind words, will definitely post a ton about it all.