I got the awards itch after watching last night’s Emmy extravaganza and in true blogger narcissistic fashion, I decided to dish out my own awards from this gardening season. I may lack the humor and swagger and aw-shucks-ness of Jimmy Fallon, and the race for victory may not be as dramatic, but I will tell you, it was a tense scene this morning as the nominees were announced.
In the interest of time, I will only announce the winner in each category and some of the runner’s up where applicable. So sit back, let the show tape for a while so you can fast forward through the commercials on your DVR, and enjoy!
Best lesson never learned no matter how dire the consequences
Winner – My never ending attempt to remove poison ivy, even with gloves and long sleeve shirt and not expecting to get the rash. I am now going on four different instances since the Spring began. “Leaves of three … it can’t happen to me.”
Plant photographed most often to the point of unhealthy obsession
Winner – The oats on the Northern Sea Oats
Most disappointing development as a result of the downturn in the economy
Winner – The lack of hot air balloons over our house. What? You expected something of more substance? Not here my friends.
The plant least likely to be deadheaded as much as needed despite my claims to the contrary
Winner – Daylily ‘Happy Returns’
The greatest recovery from near decimation
Winner – The Swamp Milkweed was destroyed by all of the Monarch caterpillars (to my delight) and just like that it has rebounded in a week’s time.
The tree with the most promise that continues to disappoint
Winner – The Weeping Cherry – the blooms are fantastic but once they are done, blech! This one needs some serious help.
The greatest development this gardening season.
Winner – adding more and more native plants. Like the Milkweed discussed previously, more Eupatorium cultivars and Helenium, to name a few.
First Runner-up to greatest development – taking a greater interest in birds and their fascinating adventures. This is the early leader for next awards season.
Worst case of planning for someone who really cares about their gardens
Winner – not accounting for someone to water while I was away for a week in the dead of summer. I continue to be baffled by my own stupidity.
The best mini-makeover performed by yours truly
Winner – the bed along my back deck
Runner-up – My parents front bed
And finally …
My most bizarre post of the year
Winner – a new take on Eat, Pray, Love – not sure what I ate that day: http://www.obsessiveneuroticgardener.com/2010/05/dig-plant-grow-introduction.html
I would like to thank all of the nominees and best of luck next year.

Congratulations on your multitude of awards! Great work! Especially enjoyed your B and As!
You need to share one award with me, in the category of watering. I lost two trees – 5y.o. Italian cypress and newly bought Japanese maple. Love both mini-maleovers!
I laughed, I cried! There speeches were so touching! How the Cherry blossom weeped while it accepted it’s award. Brilliant!
This is the only reason I don’t have a cherry blossom tree. They look awful for the rest of the year. Luckily there are so many in my neighborhood, that I can enjoy the blooms without any of the disappointment.
I wanted to be first…..
Melissa – thanks for the kind words on the B and A’s!
Tatyana – we have some extra awards sitting around so we’ll get one for you
Laura – Glad I could evoke so much emotion, we are still coming down from the emotional high
Mick – you’ll just need to campaign harder next time
I’m glad you’re finding fun in birdwatching. Befre I moved here, I took a ‘Meh, who cares, it’s just a bird?’ attitude. Now that’s how I relax! Wild birds are like my pets. I feel like they have little individual personalities. We even have names for our hummingbirds, because we can tell them apart. There’s ‘The Executioner’, because he’s so dark, he looks like he has a hood on. And ‘Squeaky’, who is a female, and is very vocal for a hummingbird…
Shit, I could go on all day. I’m such a Bird Nerd.