Yes, I am posting photos once again.
But here is the twist – I will drop some dope rhymes about each photo that will get your booty shaking, educate and inspire you at the same time. Quite a challenge you say? I say DJ ONG is ready to tear it up:
Campanula buds always make my heart swoon, keep ’em deadheaded and you gotz sweet flowers through the end of June.
Ants on the peony- no better sign of Spring, while the blooms may be fleeting they are worthy of a King.
Here comes da Siberian Iris – so reliable if water’s provided, imagine tripling your collection – after they’ve easily been divided.
Yo yo – what is that – it’s a EU-PA-TOR-I-UM, you need it for the foliage alone, unless you a garden bum.
Itea Henry’s Garnet, loves my moist soil – the red Fall color alone is the perfect garden foil.
You say this Carex is ugly, I say it’s unique, it’s cultivar name is Cappucinno, waiter, please don’t make mine too weak.
Astilbe and Potentilla, this combo was an unexpected surprise, contrast is a beautiful thing in the garden, most pleasing to the eyes.
You call it a weed, I’ll call it a flower, dandelions are everywhere but let’s embrace their power.
The gardening term “leggy” is personified here, the Ilex ‘Shamrock’ is on it’s way out, to the compost bin, have no fear.
Who is that, oh no I say, who invited you – leave here now and I will spare you a swift kick from my shoe.
Happy Earth day! I promise you no caterpillars were hurt at any time during the creation of this post.
I think maybe you missed your calling. You should be writing jingles for commercials
I can’t wait to see your iris blooming.
Your a crazy garden blogger who likes to rhyme…your obsessive and neurotic and you do just fine : ) Sorry I had to…..
Gives new meaning to ‘Freestyle Gardening’
Hilarious!! Funny!!!…Nice one my gardening chummy!!
Keep it up