If I had to define the perfect weather weekend (gardening wise that is), I would ask for the lower 70’s and sunny on both Friday and Saturday and then a steady light rain on Sunday. Well what a friggin coincidence, that just happens to be what we got here in the Garden State this weekend. This allowed me to comfortably transplant just about every plant I own on Friday/Saturday and then watch them get a nice watering on a lazy rainy Sunday.
Just to give you a taste of my transplant mania, here is a chronological play by play rundown of all that I moved/planted (you know you need to see this):
- Chelone Glabra (3) moved to new location where they could have their feet covered by other plants.
- Crimson Pygmy Barberry moved from partial sun to full sun spot vacated by Chelone.
- 2 Other Crimson Pygmy dug out and tossed (not a real fan of these any longer and may soon fully eradicate them all – plus the whole invasive thing).
- Hypericum moved into the spot vacated by the Barberry.
- 2 Chasmanthium Latifolium (Northern Sea Oats) moved to be reunited with 3 other Sea Oats. Really wanted to have these all together in one large mass.
- Panicum relocated about 3 feet away from it’s original location. Still haven’t figured out why I moved it but made sense at the time.
- Amsonia moved about a foot so it wouldn’t grow into a Viburnum.
- Viburnum attempted to be relocated, but unfortunately had to be hacked with a chain saw and the roots dug out with a shale bar. That little effort took 2 hours and 4 hand gashes later it was in the wheel barrow and off to the compost bin.
- Hydrangea moved about three feet to help make up for the deceased Viburnum.
- Ornamental grass moved to spot vacated by Viburnum.
- Daylily moved just cause it looked better that way.
Am I happy with the results of all this nonsensical transplanting? Yes and no. But I’ve already bored you enough to get into the details.
Some rainy day photos to close out this post:
Looks like you have been very busy! Enjoy the weather!
ONG – incredible stamina! (and don’t you love it when the weather actually cooperates?!) Your photos are great – the ‘raindrop on the Sedum rosette was a favorite. Happy gardening – looking forward to your ongoing adventures.
LOL – Deer pruning!
Those first two photos are beautiful! I laughed about “deer pruning”
Those deer really did do a fantastic job… and all for free!
The lettuce seedling is starting to look good – just had my first spinach of the season… YUM!