The photo above is not of a beautiful stream in the late winter. Nope … not at all … that my friends is my side yard on this beautiful warm late Winter day. Those little plants are my cheap, late season purchases of ornamental grasses that seemed so promising back in mid October. Those babies are drowning and nothing I can do about it.
I realize that the 2 feet of snow that has nearly melted here in NJ is an extreme this year. However, I find each Spring the little “plugs” of perennials/grasses I bought on the cheap the previous Autumn (doesn’t Autumn have such a pleasant sound when compared to Fall?)heave out of the ground regardless of what precautions I take (like constantly pushing them down with my monstrous boots). My soil drains horribly and is at it’s worst Winter into Spring. I need to put in the effort to address this drainage problem but … it just isn’t as fun as planting/transplanting/etc. Some day … some day.
I hate being so negative on a beautiful spring like day like today so I am treating it like another lesson learned. Those cheap little plants need to be planted earlier in the late Summer/Autumn and they need to be planted in the absolute best spots.
No new signs of Spring yet today … no emerging bulb foliage or new growth but I can feel it. I have been dreaming of moving South all Winter but you can’t beat the feeling of “surviving” the Winter and the impending new season’s arrival.
Until next time …
I vote for a cranberry bog!
Don’t feel bad.. While outside picking up sticks and kindling, I noticed that a beautiful PJM Rhody that I planted two years ago was completely smashed and broken under piles of snow. That plant had real promise as the blooms were beautiful last year. I’ll dig it up and put in my hospital this spring and replace it with another fantastic plant.. Poor PJM!
No matter where you garden, there’s always a time of year that causes heartache … for your it’s the winter, for me it’s the summer! So depressing to see the losses … but we’re such an optimistic bunch that we rally and carry on with lots of enthusiasm. Roll on your spring!
I like your way of thinking Bernie! Indeed!
Your garden is beautiful! I look forward to seeing more picture of it. The lake would have been nice