This is the year I finally admit to myself that:
1)I will not have the time to prepare the soil properly to grow fruits/vegetables.
2)I will not have the time to take the proper precautions to prevent the deer from eating said fruits/vegetables.
3)I really like fruits/vegetables.
So let’s do this … in containers!
Wave your hands in the aiiiirrr … like you just don’t caaaaaaare.
Sorry about that.
My wife bought me a book for Christmas that opened my eyes to what can be grown in containers that can actually be eaten. That book would be:
I am super psyched to try it out on the deck this year and maybe, just maybe, the kids will actually start eating fruits and vegetables as a result. The orders are in and here is a summary of what is on tap this year (starting small for year one):
Quinault strawberries
Patriot blueberries (cause NJ is the blueberry capital … holla)
Bush Blue Lake beans
Melody Hybrid spinach
Black Seeded Simpson lettuce
Salad Bowl lettuce
Red Salad Bowl lettuce
Dwarf Blue Curled Vates kale
In addition, will have the usual herbs in containers (basil, thyme, rosemary, flat leaved parsley) and yet to be determined tomatoes. The tomatoes are TBD because soon will make a visit to this local landmark to pick them up in person:
Would love to hear any feedback on successes and failures you’ve had with fruits/vegetables in containers and any specific advice on the ones I’ve listed above.
One last note, this may be a dumb idea but in honor of the arrival of college basketball’s March Madness, I am going to set up a bracket of 64 perennials matched up against each other with one ultimate winner. Each “match-up” will take place in a poll I’ll set up on my blog page with the winner determined by the number of votes. More to come on this … and oh yeah … be on the look out for a guest post by Mrs ONG … you will like her more than me but please don’t broadcast that.
I love your attitude in regards to gardening – being mindful of your “wants” and what you can realistically expect of yourself and your garden. I love the idea of fruit and vegetable gardening in containers. Many people will be interested in how well it works for you. By the way, I found your blog on Blotanical – “Welcome”
I did Quinault strawberries one year – nothing. Not to fear it was my fault- you know the ‘error’ part I speak of! I only chose them because I was raised in Quinault!
Is that picture up there your garden? It’s beautiful! That part doesn’t appear to need any improvement.
As you have probably surmised I am a big container gardening fan! Where I live now I have one place on my patio that gets the most sun (that’s until I get rid of my pool) and then I’ll be creating a circular garden.. Anyone want to buy a nice above ground pool??
I like all your selections that you’ve made. Have you considered “Top Hat” blueberries? They are noted for growing well in containers?
It is my belief that you can grow any vegetable in a container provided that the container is large enough. I’ve grown everything from herbs, strawberries, eggplant, zucchini, snap beans, string beans, lettuce, to tomatoes in containers. It’s doable!
The only thing I didn’t get a fair rate of return on was the bags that grow the tomatoes upside down.. could have been my choice of tomato but it wasn’t for me..
About the deer:
Have you considered the transparent, 7 foot high “deer fencing”?