To celebrate me and how awesome I am, I am looking to give away a $100 gift card to Santa Rosa Gardens.
As I have mentioned numerous times in the past, Santa Rosa has provided close to half of the ornamental grasses currently residing in my garden. Their plants are ALWAYS shipped perfectly and timely and me thinks you will love the huge variety they have to offer.
In order to enter, simply leave a comment on this post, along with your email address, and tell me the one plant you would like to acquire from Santa Rosa Gardens. I will pick a random winner from all of those who comment.
A few additional details:
- The contest will run from now until next Wednesday night, February 18th at 9:00 PM
- The winner will be announced on the blog later that night
- The winner will receive the gift card via email directly from Santa Rosa Gardens
- Only those in the United States are eligible
Good luck!
I would pick Karl Foerster grass. I love how tall it gets, and the statement that it makes. I could also put it in my front yard, where the deer make choices more difficult.
Woohoo! I love Santa Rosa!
I’m most interested in getting some Hakonechloa for the shade garden. They brighten up a dark corner so beautifully!
Miscanthus Gold Bar is my pick. One of the many plants in my Santa Rosa shopping cart right now. I ordered from them for the first time last year and was a very happy customer- great plants and reasonable shipping charges
It’s a toss up between the echinachea and the coreopsis.
love the echinacea
I would choose sempervivums. I especially like the cobweb buttons.
Bletilla “Big Bob” and maybe some of the hostas.
I would love Feather Reed Grass (among many others) for around my garden pond.
I love Santa Rosa! Great selection and excellent plant material. I would have to use it on my usual order of Mexican feather grass. I grow it as an annual here and I love it in big flowing drifts as well as a soft accent in containers.
Heucheras! It’s a little bit of a challenge to keep the deer off of them but totally worth it.
I’d choose the Mandevilla Brigitte; it’s a color I have not seen locally.
Well, I didn’t win the Powerball, but winning this would be just as good (possibly better)! My pick would be Veronica peduncularis ‘Georgia Blue’.
I have a tough time choosing amongst the Carex varieties. Evergold, Bunny Blue, Kaga Nishiki. So many worthy candidates. Thanks for turning me on to Santa Rosa. I have been pleased with my orders from them.
That beautiful purple grass would be wonderful! Also the hen and chicks… can never have enough of either!
There are a lot of Sedge grasses I would have fun with…and then
to try Colocasia ‘Nancy’s Revenge’ posted NEW from Santa Rosa.
Pick one? Just one? That just doesn’t seem right. I have a laundry list (thanks to you starting trouble for me and recommending them in the past), but I guess I will start with Coreopsis Berry Chiffon.
I have a hardy geranium on my list for spring. Probably Rozanne.
I’ve ordered from Santa Rosa Gardens several times and have always been impressed with the condition of the plants.
Sporobolus heterolepis would be my choice to add to the garden this year.
Hmmm, I’d to do a coin toss between panicum ‘Hot Rod’ or ‘Ruby Ribbons’. I just love having those deeper burgundy tones in my garden. Lots of great plant choices on that site and it means a lot that it has such an enthusiastic thumbs up from you.
I have to pick just one??? OK!
I pick Lewisia longipetala ‘Little Peach’. I love succulents and this one is different from any I have or have seen before. The blooms are gorgeous!
Since one of each won’t be possible and I’m not brave enough to risk even free money on what the deer might not eat, I’ll go with a Panicum Heavy Metal to replace a brutish Miscanthus and the rest in Pink Muhly. I plan to plant them all around the deck. That way after a couple of beverages it will be just like floating on a pink cloud
It’s almost impossible to pick just one favorite but I’ll go for Blonde Ambition Grama Grass. It’s fresh, airy and elegant plus it’s a native. I love how the tiny little seed heads look like they’re floating in the air.
Thank you for this opportunity. So many beautiful plants to choose from! If I had to choose from! I think I would start with Delosperma Jewel of Desert Garnet for the border on our back wall hot and dry, ice plant should make this ugly area gorgeous
I’d love Coreopsis ‘Cruizin’ Broad Street’! I saw it at OFA a couple of years ago and it’s gorgeous!
You really are awesome for this…plus other things.
wait, you expect me to pick just one??? Oy…do they have amsonia? Mine died a couple of years ago and I never got a chance to see it bloom.
I would get Thyme Golden Lemon.
I’ve ordered from Santa Rosa several times, too, and had the same experience as others who have remarked here: good customer service; plants are sent and arrive as requested; and the plants are packed well and arrive in good shape. Applause.
I could only get my choice down to two: Mary Gregory stokesia or Blue Paradise phlox. And thanks for the giveaway – it’s fun reading the answers from others.
I love Santa Rosa Gardens! I have to try a few brand new things each year and the Colocasia Nancy’s Revenge is absolutely gorgeous. It will look great with my big collection of elephant ears.
Thanks for a great start to our gardening season, even if we can’t believe it will ever get here!
Many great choices, but I’d pick Phlox ‘Bright Eyes’. Love the dark-eyed centers and their long-bloom time. Hope they’ll ship to the Chicagoland area!
i see many unusual plants I want to get.
Great info thanks
Stumbled upon your blog searching for info. on pinching sedums and always look forward to your entries -I just love your style (non-preachy, a bit self-deprecating, humorous, don’t take yourself too seriously but not afraid to show your real passion for gardening (obsessive, neurotic – caught my eye right away, can you tell I’m a transplanted New Yorker and sometimes miss that “real”stuff? New England is my home now but sometimes people seem just so buttoned-down and ‘healthy” here!)
Anyway, thanks for all that and for turning me on to Santa Rosa Gardens. They ARE awesome; I’ve got a list of things I want from them but if I MUST pick just one I’ll have to go with Penstemon ‘Carillo Rose” ’cause I’ve been searching for a plant to solve a ‘design” issue for a long time and it is perfect (obsessive, neurotic anyone?)
Thanks, what a great opportunity! I would love to add coreopsis Red Satin to my garden!
It’s tough to pick one plant because I’ve got a cart full already.
I’ll narrow it to two though, either Andropogon Red October or Coreopsis Red Satin.
Coreopsis Big Bang Mercury Rising – I really enjoyed the Santa Rose Gardens section of collections – garden plans. We, in Texas are part of the migratory pathway for the Monarchs. I have my eye on the Monarch Madness section as well. Your blog is always very entertaining. My email address is:
Great idea. Love reading all the other comments and viewing their choices. My pick is Geranium Rozanne Cransbill. Thanks and love your blog along with your other blog Two Guys at Lunch.
What a FABULOUS giveaway! This would be amazing to win!
I absolutely love the Alcea Rosea Dwarf Hollyhock!
Panicum ‘Hot Rod’ would be my choice. It would look great planted en masse along with some of the variegated hydrangea and ‘Phenomenal’ lavender.
Thundercloud sedum
Awesome giveaway! I would simply adore adding some more Bouteloua Blonde Ambition to my garden.
Wonderful giveaway. Love the gardening categories, especially the herbs and fruit. My favorite is the Goji Fruit.
If I had to choose then I would have to go with Heuchera “Stainless Steel” since it is on my want list:-)) I love heuchera!
I would choose Buddleia Nanho Blue. I have a butterfly bush, but it’s such a pale blue, it’s hard to see the blooms. I’d like a brighter color. Much of my gardening is to attract bees and butterflies.
I would love to have a cymbidium orchid. I have heard they grow outside in California. Here in ky we bring them in for winter after the temps drop in November
If any plants, it would be A Taro plant. Wether it be green purple, black or some other color, Taro plants are one of my favorite plants. Growingfrom 5in to 5ft leaves, its a jungle when walking through a garden of them. It’s would be a great birthday gift, lol. Born feb 18. Check my Facebook. With my email.
So hard to choose! I would order anything for the shade garden, but pick the one plant? That would have to be Heuchera ‘Sweet Tea’ An awesomely beautiful plant!!
Oh lawdy. Would it be a Begonia Rex Escargot? Or Papyrus? Maybe Heuchera Sweet Tea. But Brunnera Sea Heart is fab too!
Holy smokes! Id get every plant I could!
~probably start with Japanese forest grass
Thank you!!
H King