While there is still some snow on the ground and it is still frigid outside, I have officially declared it to be spring in my neck of the woods. We were fortunate to have been spared by the storm that just hit the Mid-Atlantic last night so I am confident that things will only look up from here. The nasty winter is in the rearview and it is time to get down to business.
The photo below is a great representation of how my garden looks right now:
Ornamental grasses ready to be cut to the ground, perennial foliage that has been battered all winter and deciduous shrubs that are just now showing signs of leafing out. In other words, a lot of brown and not much else.
But we move on. There is garden assessment and work to be done.
Grab a child, put a hedge trimmer in their hands, scream at them incessantly through a megaphone and before you know it, the grasses have been cleaned up.
And nothing is more exciting than spotting those few blades of green grass emerging on the cool weather ornamental grasses.
There are signs of the daffodils returning.
And the geraniums are showing signs of life.
There are some reminders of the past, like this milkweed seed capsule.
Or this small ornamental grass that never took hold after being planted last fall. RIP whatever grass you are since I’ve already forgotten.
There is still a lot of work to be done and how awesome is that?
I need to hand my kids some power tools and put them to work!
I seriously thought we were done with the cold here in SC–and it’s 37 degrees and raining. I ran to the greenhouse through the rain, and the heater is having a hard time keeping up. Lovely. I did harvest some shiitakes in the freezing rain, so at least we’ll have something good for dinner from the garden. Here’s to counting the days until spring!
Here in Baltimore, I did have crocus blooming and daffs and tulips pushing but now they are all covered by at least 6″ of snow.
Glad to hear that you’re giving winter the boot! Best wishes for a colorful spring.
It just seems wrong that NJ is getting spring before those of us in the afore mentioned Mid-Atlantic….sigh
Couldn’t that popped up grass still live? It was supposed to be dormant anyway? Push it back in and see if it lived.
That’s my garden now too, John… except with about 8″ of snow on top of it yet. Blech! But little patches of grass (aka: old leaves & twigs & other dead vegetation) are peeking thru here & there… so it won’t be long. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. It’s 47 here in northern Indiana today so there’s hope…. always hope…. of the spring to come.
Two days of ice, freezing rain and below freezin temps . . . and here we sit south of the mason dixie line. Ah, hope spring(s) eternal . . .
Katsushiro tries to catapult himself onto the ship by using the giant crossbow from earlier in the series, but falls short only to be plucked from the air by Heihachi as he watches Kyuzo get hit with a bullet shell. Heihachi has Katsushiro cover his back while he goes ahead with his important chanel replica job of destroying the engine, although as soon as he is done setting the bombs he is struck done by the sword of a bandit, and while dying he is able to heroically trigger the detonator hermes outlet. Katsushiro can’t believe that both Kyuzo and Heihachi are dead and you see the fendi outlet madness start to take over him.