Yeah, you read that right.
I am going to give one lucky reader a $100 gift card to THE Santa Rosa Gardens online nursery.
I have ordered a large number of ornamental grasses from Santa Rosa Gardens in the past and they are always sent in perfect shape and thrive after they have been planted. An awesome selection and are always sold at a reasonable price.
But they are way more than just ornamental grasses, check out their selection of perennial plants and drool a little bit.
So how do you enter this contest you ask?
- Leave a comment on this post indicating what one plant you would like more than any other from Santa Rosa Gardens.
- Include your email address in the same comment.
- Contest is only for those in the United States (excluding Hawaii and Arizona).
- Contest will run until Sunday, March 25 at 8:00 PM.
- Winner will be chosen at random and announced right after the deadline.
- Winner will receive the gift card via email directly from Santa Rosa Gardens.
Best of luck my friends!
That’s a very nice thing you’re trying to do here! I like Muhlenbergia capillaris White Cloud because it looks so airy. But in reality I know I don’t have that much space so I’d probably go for blue grass
Really just one??? I don’t know if I can choose just one..but since that’s in the rules I’ll chose Echinacea Raspberry Truffle
I enjoy your blog! The one plant I’d like to try this year is hakonechloa macra ‘Aurea’. I’ve got some shady spots I’d like to brighten up, and I love how the blades of that grass grow in one direction. I’ve ordered from SRG before and have always been happy with the quality.
I actually have an order in to them right now for a bunch of OGs, but I certainly wouldn’t say no to a gift card for more! I think if I had to pick one plant from them, though, it would be Sedum Thundercloud. My email is
This is very cool of you to do! Thanks for directing us to the Santa Rosa Gardens website – I may just have to order a few things (famous last words). If I had to pick one thing, it would be Miscanthus sinensis Strictus. There’s one corner in my yard that I can’t figure out what to do with (besides blocking the view of the neighbor’s yard). This just might do the trick. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to go look at Agapanthus africanus, Echinacea Southern Belle, etc. Have I ever mentioned that I get slightly kooky after it snows?
I’d really enjoy having the Carex Testacea Prairie Fire Color Grass to put in a high rise pot here on my patio! Love grasses and this one sounds like it would do fine here in Florida…plus I love the color and how it cascades over! My email address is Great giveaway John!
Just one huh? That’s torture! First I thought I’d go with Kniphofia uvaria Flamenco, then I thought maybe Euphorbia ‘blackbird’ would be the best choice. But finally I decided if I were spending $100 one multiples of one thing it would have to be a Sempervivum, you can never have enough! My email is spikyplants at gmail dot com …thank you for the chance at winning!
Wow, what a great contest and now that I’ve been to the website, what a great nursery! It was tough but my choice for one plant would be Coreopsis auriculata Pinwheel, I love it’s unusual look. My e-mail is, thank;s for running such a great contest.
I’d like an additional Hydrangea plant – especially the ‘Hydrangea macrophylla Pia.’ But all the Hydrangeas look lovely.
Yikes…only one…you are cruel! I’d have to go with Schizachyrium ‘Blue Heaven’ as I’ve been wanting some for the past year or so.
I have several on my Santa Rosa Wish List but the Achillea Desert Eve is just begging me to bring to my garden.
I order lots from Santa Rosa Gardens. What would I order? Oh man, I have ordered some goodies just recently. While checking my new growth on plants in the garden, I am wondering if my Amsonia hubrechtii is dead. If so, that is what I would order, NEED to have an Amsonia. If it is not dead, then I am looking at the Euphorbia Blackbird, what a cool plant. My email is thequeenofseaford at
So many plants, so little time. Santa Rosa is the best! I should put up a billboard for them at my house
My choice: the awesome new Amsonia hubrichtii! Amazing
I would love more echinaceas – the butterflies just love them! That ‘milkshake’ echinacea looks so sweet. My email is Even though I’d be sure to buy more echinaceas, I would also like to try the Japanese forest grass. I’ve always loved the look of this plant, and have been contemplating getting one for some time. Hope naming two doesn’t disqualify me – they just have so much to choose from! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would LOVE the sedum lemon ball. I’m all about ground cover these days. I actually have never met a sedum I didn’t love.
Wow, John, a great giveaway for the rest of us O. N. Gardeners ! It’s difficult to choose just one plant, but I’d love to have the Amaryllis Orange Souvereign. Have never seen an orange one, and it looks spectacular !
thanks, John !
Well, If I were to win I’d love to try Hydrangea macrophylla Nikko Blue. I have not been able to grow one in my Zone 5 garden but these are supposedly hardy to zone4. Let’s hope!
Mmmmmm…This one sounds yummy: Carex oshimensis ‘Ice Cream.’ Great to see you’re still at it, John.
What a great giveaway! I’d love to add some agastache black adder to my garden because it will attract beneficials to my garden while at the same time add some drama and a nice licorice scent. Email is
Hi John Kiddo…
What a generous offer for one of us. I am so over the top thrilled.
I would have to say my one plant would be Echinacea purpurea Magnus
as my Momma had them always in her garden and I love the way that they
attract the butterflies. They are such a gorgeous cone shape and I love the
way the petals seem to bow. So pretty and the color, exquisite.
Please enter me into your drawing. I would love to order from this nursery. I would have so much fun putting in flowers to attract the butterflies. That is what I really want.
Many thanks for the opportunity, so totally awesome. Have a glorious week. Country hugs, Sherry
Never heard of Santa Rosa. I’d like some chocolate chip bugleweed or some azaleas — the heavy snows this winter did away with a few of my poor plants (and our power lines, but that’s another story). My email is Jessicatok [at] rocketmail [dot] com.
Want it. Need it. Love it. I mean the $100 offer that is. Thanks so much for doing this. I’ve never heard of the Santa Rosa Gardens. Thanks for introducing it to us. I’d love to expand my plants to attract butterflies and hummers, and it seems that Santa Rosa has a great variety of these.
My email address is Thanks again.
What a great offer John. The one plant I want the most is Muhlenbergia Capillaris.
Forgot to enter my email address in my request.
That is such a great offer and hope you will enter me in your drawing.
The one plant I want the most is:
Muhlenbergia Capillaris.
I love Agapanthus and just can’t enough of them. This drawing sounds fun and I would buy blue flowers because I have none.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I like the String of Pearls Plant. I think it so lovely. To bad you don’t find to many of them around.
I would just love a Hemerocallis Stella d’Oro daylily!
soluckyducky at gmail dot com
I would love the Astilbe chinensis Vision in Red!
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
What a wonderful contest. I went to their website and had to look to see what would grow here in zone 10 s.e. FL. I found several items. One that really caught my eye was – Gaura lindheimeri Crimson Butterflies, and would make a lovely addition to my gardens.
Whoever wins will have a ball using this gift card.
Happy spring gardening ~ FlowerLady
I forgot to include my email addy. flowerladylorraine (at) yahoo (dot) com
I haven’t won anything in a very long time so maybe this is my lucky day.
I’d love to have some succulents. These “Sempervivum 50 Tray” caught my eye.
Cross my fingers maybe that will help you to pick me.
I like so many things it’s very hard to pick one. However, I love the Hakone grass in the bright green or the striped. Thanks for this wonderful offer. Email is nlee5152 at comcast dot net.