Is there anything better than seeing a box like this appear on your front porch:
It’s that time of year for the spring deliveries here in zone 6 New Jersey where it is friggin cold today. But enough about me and my anger, I’ll show you what was inside this delicious box of wonderfulness.
Truth is, I am cutting down dramatically on my plant orders this year in an effort to save some cash and to not end up with plants stored throughout the yard and garage (you smell the BS too?).
Anyway, here is what was inside the box and what I hope they will look like in the not so distant future (you can link to the origin of the “after” photos by clicking on them):
Ligularia ‘Britt-Marie Crawford’
Sorghastrum ‘Sioux Blue’
Monarda ‘Lambada’
Salix ‘Hakuro Nashiki’
Now to find a locale for each. Let the games begin!
I love Ligularia! Mine took a few years to get big, but it was worth the wait!
Wow, what fun choices. I love getting boxes in the mail with live plants. Yesterday we got in our David Austin Roses. Woot! BTW, I am hosting a giveaway of pie cutters, if there are any bakers in your household, today is the last day for entry.
Sorghastrum…no way! I’ve been looking for that everywhere…I’ll have to pop over to Bluestone’s site now…thanks for the heads-up!
Great plants!
Just popped over to say hello and welcome you as a follower :o)
Isn’t there some silly “rule” that says you’re supposed to have a place in mind BEFORE you get the plant???? Ha. Haha. Hahahahhahahah!
Or so I’ve heard. I’ve never been able to stick to that.
They’ll be a beautiful addition to your already gorgeous collection!
I’m the sort of gardener who buys the plant, then walks around the yard looking for a place to plant it, then likes it so much I go back and buy two more, so now I have to move the neighboring plant that was there before…
Plants in the mail. It’s Christmas all over again. They do seem to always arrive on the coldest spring day.
you’re too funny. mother nature better get with the program!
I used to order a lot from Bluestone at my last home, much bigger garden. I just received an order today from Diggin Dog Nursery, unusual plants, large size, big shipping costs. I ordered Phlomis Russilina, Brunnera Jack Frost and Silver Wings and Helleborus Hybridus. See what I mean about being different. They are less expensive than the nursery so I bit the shipping bullet!
Kwiatki kupiłeś, więc i miejsce na nie znajdziesz.Niech pięknie rosną. Pozdrawiam
I love the Hakuro Nishiki Willow, otherwise known as dappled willow, and have it growing near our pond. It isn’t fully hardy here in zone 3 and suffers some dieback each year but the foliage is so stunning I just couldn’t be without it!!
I like the Salix, very cool. After my mega purchasing last fall and summer I am trying to slow it down a little. I lost count after 350 new plants. So far my husband has been pretty good about it…don’t want to push my luck.
good luck with your new purchases.
I’ve never heard of Bluestone…I have to check them out.
Yes…any box addressed to me get’s me excited. Even my vitamins.
What a great post! I love seeing how the plant “should” look or is suppose to look like when in bloom! Super idea to share that with others. I feel sorry for you living in that kind of cold!
It looks like SOMEBODY is going to have some fun!!
Love Di ♥
Thank you! For the first time in 5 years I have been controlling myself and NOT placing a Bluestone order. Getting to see the pic of your recently delivered box may just have been satifying enought to hold me over until I’m too busy outside to accidentally online shop. Thanks again. (Sometimes those ‘specials’ are too hard to resist…)
I felt the familar butterfly movement in my stomach as you were showing each new plant that was in the package! I adore the last one. Good luck finding the right spot.
New plants are always exciting…great choices! Have fun!
You sound like me – buy the perennials and then look for a place for them. Hehe. I think it should really be the other way around,
I’ve always been afraid to order plants in the mail in case they get damaged – obviously that’s not the case …might try it!
Do you use BlueStone exclusively or a variety of suppliers?
ONG – Nice score – cool choices!
I planted a Salix ‘Hakuro Nashiki’ and found out it was a bunny favorite. I had to “incarcerate” it for the time being, so it can get bigger without being a ‘Scooby snack’. So far it’s come back nicely.
Dig that.
Thanks,very interesting.Need more garden.
Naturally I love the ligularia and the Salix is one of my favorites as well. In my garden the Salix does great when I give it an occasional pruning. When you do that the pink color actually comes out more. It can grow like a weed when situated in a perfect spot that is moist. I have had them growing on the edge of a pond in my previous home.
What a joy to see such a parcel at one’s door-step!
I think every garden should have a Nishiki Willow! They are one of my favorite plants. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I think your choices are very interesting. That last bush will be stunning. I was just at the plant nursery today and wow…I want 5 of every kind! I’m anxious to get out in my flower bed also.
Bluestone sent me an email saying they’d just mailed my order. Don’t remember what that would be, but it will be fun opening the box. I grew that monarda from seed last year and really liked it.