My soil conditions stink … I’ll give you a moment to provide your sympathy … OK, thanks, I appreciate your support.
The truth is, I have very poor draining clay soil (which I’m sure many of you do) and I am surrounded by herds of deer who venture closer to the gardens each year. The threat of my dog (well not really a “threat” since she is a labrador retriever) is no longer a concern for them.
While this has limited many plant choices for me, it has also taught me a lesson to appreciate what the garden gives you and to “work with what ya got.” I have leaned heavily on native plants and they have proven to be very successful over the years.
Today’s featured perennial, Lobelia siphilitica (Blue Cardinal flower) was a new edition in the spring of 2010 and so far I have been pleased with the results.
A few quick facts on this beauty:
- Reaches a height of about 24″-36″ with a spread of about 24″
- Survives in zones 4-9
- Prefers light shade but can handle full sun (or so I’m told, we’ll see, I have them in partial shade and full sun).
- Has an intense blue bloom from late summer to early fall. The hood-like blooms start from the bottom of the spires and work their way up.
- Can handle wet conditions (woo-hoo) and can re-seed heavily (woo-hoo again)
- Is a butterfly and hummingbird magnet (I can confirm the butterflies)
- The siphilitica name comes from it’s supposed ability to cure syphilis back in the day
As I mentioned before, this is a relatively new addition for me so I’m hoping to see big things in year two. I’ll be able to compare how they perform with different light conditions and to see if I can keep the deer away again (fat chance, but I’m determined to give it all I got.)
Here are some additional photos from last summer:
Thanks for reading.
We’re so buried under snow right now, that this post is a welcome sight for sore eyes! Can’t wait to get out in the dirt again… Thanks for stopping by and following my blog~ I’m a new follower, too!
It’s very pretty.
These are so pretty! I feel your pain about the clay soil, so I may have to give these a try!
Thanks! I will put that on my list. I am always looking for colorful perrenials.
ONG, thanks for following my blog. Gardening life in New Jersey and Florida is a bit different right about now. I’m sure you wish you could grow what I do just as I wish I could grow what you do. I love hostas!! I look forward to your input!
Sherry – am also a Central Florida gardener and wondering how your Graham Thomas is doing. I’d kind of like to try Golden Celebration (do you have any info on this?) – neither one is listed on the David Austin site as good for Florida. Thanks for your input.
Thanks for the info on that plant, but I must admit that I’m not an obsessive gardener (wish I was). Thanks for your visit and I’m now following you too.
Hi there. I just became your newest follower-love your blog! I have Lobelia ‘Cardinalis’, the red variety of lobelia which does quite well, and it is planted in partial shade. I like the blue variety-nice color! Hey-come over and visit me at my gardening blog. I will be back to check out what you have next! Happy gardening!
What a beauty! I don’t know why I’ve never seen this one before…I usually ignore people’s posts on Lobelia as they seem to mostly be red…but these blue ones are a different story! I’ll definitely be checking back to see how they fare for you.
Very pretty. I planted one of the red ones last year so anxious to see if it survived the winter here.
Goldenray Yorkies
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I’m new to this, and though I’ve been following some craft blogs, I didn’t really know about any good garden ones. Now I do, and I’ll start down your list. Maybe by the time I’m through your blog list, it will be time to plant!
I have had a little trouble getting these to make it through the winter but any blue flower is okay with me. Our local nursery is carrying a pink type now which is pretty.
I’m so ready for spring so I can play in the mud!~ the pictures are absolutely gorgeous. I will love following you ~ maybe you can give me some much needed pointers and laugh at my mistakes
Your posts are always fascinating. The combination of wit and wisdom and follie makes this a winner. May I present you with One Lovely Blog Award. Click here to accept the award.
This is one I’ll add to my flower garden this year.
I have this plant in my hummingbird/butterfly garden. Your photo has captured the beauty of their blue flowers perfectly.
Thank you for following my blog! Looking forward to visiting yours often.
I had this plant at my last home and it did very well in a moist area. I tried it in my present garden and it did not take. I think I am going to give it another try along with the red one this spring under my Pagoda Dogwood.
What a lovely plant. I’ll have to look for that. I think I may just have the spot for it once I take the hazelnut trees from Arbor Day out of the perennial bed and move them to their final location. I’ll add it to my list so I won’t forget.
and I forgot to say … I sure hope the deer don’t like it!
this is very pretty…haven’t seen it around here, maybe it is too hot, although we can grow other kinds of Lobelia. I will have to look for it. Thanks.(-:
Beautiful blooms and garden!
Thank you for visiting my blog. Your garden is beautiful! I love nature, birds, creatures, playing the piano, paintings. I live in an ancient city Nara, Japan. I look forward to see your garden.Thanks, Redrose.
Poor soil here, too, and I’m much too lazy to get busy and ammend the soil. It’s easier to plant the natives.
I’ve now added the Blue Cardinal flower to my wish list. Luv the color and the fact that it attracts hummers and butterflies.
Great to have you following my blog…I signed up to follow yours…I only (try) to grow things in pots…I like your style of writing and your sense of humor!
Very pretty. This would be perfect for the flower bed beside our patio.
Thanks for following my blog, and I am now a follower of yours.
Linda – thank you for the follow and will be over at your blog as well.
Sherryocala – welcome and will continue to read your blog and be jealous of your weather and what you can grow down in FL.
Honey – I’ll do my best to make you an obsessive gardener, or maybe I’ll ruin it for you, we’ll see.
LD by Lee – thanks for finding me! On my way to yours in a few.
Scott – totally agree with you, I usually am not a fan of any red flowers so I had ignored Cardinalis all along.
Cindy – thank you for visiting and trust me, the links on here are way better than mine. I can assure you of that.
Digital flower – any idea on the name of the pink one? Would like to check it out.
Vintage Gal – thanks for coming by and hopefully I can continue to make so many mistakes and you can learn from them.
Shirley – As always, you are too kind. Will be by later on to check it out. Thank you!
Carla – thanks for stopping by and awesome to see that you’ve planted this as well.
Gatsby – whenever I hear, “likes wet”, I am sold.
Marcia – I’ll be sure to share my deer experience with it. I think the rabbits will like it too unfortunately.
La vie – good luck if you can find it! Thanks for stopping by.
Redrose – thank you for following and will absolutely be doing the same with yours.
Donna – welcome poor soil friend! Natives are truly the answer aren’t they?
T&B – welcome and thank you for the kind words!
Donna – thank you for following and I would love to see photos if you do plant it.